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2023 6th Drone Vision of the Both Sides Across Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong & Macao
Main Contest Unit Application Table
1、Work type

For similar entries, every team only sends one entry

2、Team information
Team name
Team leader name
Work unit
Team member name
Team picture
Click here for uploading

No more than four pictures with size of not more than 1M for each picture for contest publicity materials

Introduction to the game
3、Work information
Work name
Work poster
Click here for uploading

not less than 1M

Work time
Aerial video duration
Work introduction
4、Submission methods

Choose between two methods

5、Description on submission
  • The duration of submitted works shall be not less than 2 minutes, and aerial shot shall be not less than 30% of full video time;
  • Submitted works shall be MP4 without watermark, resolution ratio of above 1080p, and screen percentage of 16:9;
  • Videos of works submitted in MP4 is advised 3-5 minutes, and aerial shot shall be no less than 30% of full video time, the work shall be no watermark, resolution ratio shall be over 1080p, and screen percentage shall be 16:9;
  • Please name your submitted work as “2023 6th Drone Vision of the Both Sides Across Taiwan Strait, Hong Kong & Macao – 《work name》 – team name”;
  • If you have any other problems, please consult with workers at 13718385117 or dronevc@vip.163.com.

Entry commitment letterBACK


1. 凡提交作品参赛,即表示参赛者同意接受组委会制定之所有参赛章程及细则;


3. 参赛作者/团队应确认拥有其参赛作品的著作权、版权,参赛作品不涉及肖像权、名誉权、隐私权等,如有任何相关的法律纠纷,其法律责任由参赛作者本人承担;

4. 所有个人及单位选送到本航拍大赛的作品,即视为授予本大赛组委会在所有授权设立的以“海峡两岸暨港澳无人机航拍创作大赛”为主题的展映环节的播放权,参赛作品的视频、静帧图像、中/英文字幕拷贝版、宣传片花等可以用于海峡两岸暨港澳无人机航拍创作大赛组委会的宣传活动及之后的相关展映活动,包括被新闻媒体报道、播出、制作宣传图册、书籍专刊、电视、网络、移动媒体及其它新媒体专题宣传展映专栏等;

5. 大赛组委会有权保存参赛作品,以作为放映及交流使用;

6. 大赛作品遴选、展映、评选规则最终解释权归海峡两岸暨港澳无人机航拍创作大赛主办单位及组委会;
